Milk Bath Photography at Discounted Prices

I am putting out a model call for some Milk Bath sessions! On November 3rd & 4th, I'm working with Dangerous Ladies on a Milk Bath concept, lighting/backdrop set-up, and initial marketing photos. These sessions will be incredibly discounted as we work out the kinks of the set. Come get in the bath!

Session Details

$60 • 4 Images • Nov 3rd and 4th

  • singles only
  • professional colour grading and basic beauty edits
  • digital proof gallery delivery
  • 4 images of your choice (with option to purchase more)
  • Payment upfront required to book


Approx. 45 minutes Each

November 3rd

1:00pm - daemontid

2:00pm - ashazzminscreed

3:00pm - private booking

4:00pm - sayasundae

November 4th

1:00pm - somanyjets

2:00pm - magecosplay

3:00pm - asterisk.exe

4:00pm - faelablanche

5:00pm- varden.cosplay

6:00pm - Azura Rose

Toronto Milk Bath Photo Studio

Please include when you want to shoot and a bit about your look! Let me know if you want to use any available props.